Union Investment: Risikoappetit in Europa steigt weiter (Risk appetite continues to rise in Europe)
2. März 2016
„Despite the ever-growing number of unknowns in the real estate market, investors‘ risk appetite continues to grow, driven by an ongoing search for returns, Union Investment’s latest property investment climate study shows.“ (Union Investment ist die Fondsgesellschaft der Gruppe der Volks- und Raiffeisenbanlen.) „According to the report, which draws on a representative survey of 171 professional property investots in Germany, France and the UK, 86 % of professional investors believe that the overall willingness to invest in commercial real estate markets in their respectice countries will continue to rise or at least not decrease over the next 12 months.“
Quelle: PropertyEU, online-Ausgabe 1.3.2016
Categories: Neuigkeiten